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Click Passive Income

Passive Income Plan CLICK Internet Traffic

Basically, there are 2 income you can earn when you become a member of CLICK namely:

1. Ads Clicking
2. E-Share

Perhaps some of you think that CLICK is just a program like PPC which you pay from the ads you click. That's right. But the revenue from click advertising activity is just a 'geli-geli' income given to CLICK members. This is because the revenue from this ad click is not great and it depends on the package you take.

The actual income in CLICK is from the purchase of a company's share of E-Share.
Through this E-Share, CLICK members have the potential to generate lucrative passive income.

In the stock sale activity of this company, CLICK sets the unit price of the stock from as low as USD0.20 and the highest of USD0.42 which when the unit price of the stock reaches the highest price of USD0.42 will occur SPLIT and the shareholding of each member will be at GANDA 2.

The Company has set a unit price increase of USD0.01 per unit with each sale of 6,000,000 units of the company. Easy language, unit price will increase by 1 sen with every company's sales of 6 million units.

How Many Profits Can Generate From E-Share CLICK?

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Businesses that follow the flow of technology will become a phenomenon and will change your economic status.

If a chinese race that has already been rich and expert in business is struggling to win CLICK shares, why do not we follow their footsteps?

Contact admin now and get your CLICK stock today.


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